Products accessible to individuals... at  commercial price!

We are aware that the current situation, out of the ordinary, obliges several companies and workers to adapt their professional habits and modify their workspace. Many now have to work from home, without having access to all the necessary products / items (desk, printer, screen, filing cabinet, office chair for example). However, procuring these office supplies can be very expensive. This is why Stationery & Cie and Office Supplies.Biz are adapting their operations and operations to meet these new challenges. These two companies are joining forces to provide all individuals, professionals and employees working from their homes with office supplies at a commercial price. You thus benefit from the best price on a very wide range of products:
| Office supplies | Office furniture | Ergonomic office chairs | Papers | Printers | Ink cartridges and toners | Computer products|

In addition, we will prepare your order and deliver it directly to your home, free of charge!*

To benefit from our products at the commercial price, we invite you to create an account on our website here.
Simplys call us at 514 331-6670 or by email to kEncEmailtvqqpsuAgpvsojuvsfefcvsfbv/cj{

*Certain restrictions apply. Only for orders of $ 100 or more before taxes and for certain regions. Contact us for more details.